The blog of a juvenile Geekus biologicus

How to render pseudocode in Hugo with pseudocode.js

To render pseudocode in Hugo, you can use the pseudocode.js library.

Here is what I did to make this working on my blog.

Theme configuration

In your theme files, you will first need to add link to the library CDN.

<!-- in themes/<theme>/layouts/partials/pseucodode.html -->
<script src=""
        crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>

And render all element with pseudocode HTMl class.

<!-- in themes/<theme>layouts/partials/pseudocode-render.html -->
    let pseudocodeElements = document.getElementsByClassName("pseudocode");
    for (let element of pseudocodeElements) {
<!-- in themes/<theme>/layouts/_default/baseof.html -->


    {{ if .Param "pseudocode" }}
      {{ partialCached "pseudocode" . }}
    {{ end }}


        {{ block "main" . }}{{ end }}
        {{ if .Param "pseudocode" }}
            {{ partialCached "pseudocode-render" . }}
        {{ end }}


Then, in your Markdown article, add the following in your frontmatter:

pseudocode: true

And write your pseudocode, using the algorithmic $\LaTeX$ syntax.

<pre id="hello-world-code" class="pseudocode">
    \PRINT \texttt{'hello world'}

Which willl be rendered as:

    \PRINT \texttt{'hello world'}
